Photos below -Hooghans - traditional homes of Navajo peoples - many homes have modern ones - door always faces the east to welcome the sun. These were in Shonto - Navaho community - no one around to ask if they had been hooghans, underground houses or sweat houses.
Old traditional hooghan
Navaho National Monument - cliff dwellings of Pueblans - occupied in the later 1200’s - about 150 rooms and 6 kivas round towers, built of sandstone blocks and mortar). Farmers who grew the 3 Sisters - corn, beans and squash - squash planted at the base of the corn to grow up the corn stalks and use less space, beans added nitrogen back to the soil. Built in Canyon cavern to provide protection from the elements and attacks. Abandoned near the ends of the 1200’s - maybe drought, depletion of arable land, spiritual quest or attack.
Looks like a diorama but the cavern is 450 feet high and almost 400 feet deep. The dwellings were built from one side to the other.