Drive to Orebic to take 15 minute ferry to Korcula on crazy, winding, mountainous and narrow road, with a plunging lane down to the beach.of Trstenik (yeah, just try to say that).
Little attempted detour to the village of Borok on the other side of the peninsula. In the village of Potomje there is the Tunel Dingac (Donkey Tunnel). The best Croatian grapes for red wine are grown on the other side of a mountain. The locals used to bring their grapes to Potomje, to be made into wine, by donkeys up and over the mountain. In the 70’s, the grape growers got together to fund a narrow, hand dug, quarter mile long tunnel. Got thru the tunnel ok but the one lane (not a road) to Borok, which would have me on the outside edge of the mountain should there be another oncoming vehicle, had me quickly assess my ‘playing chicken’ abilities and go back to the main road.
Along the Orebic waterfront - waiting for the ferry.
Old Town of Korcula - stayed inside the town walls.
Celebration by the brotherhood of the Holy Virgin Mary of Consolation - since 1603.
Young lad had to climb a ladder to reach the bells and ring … without hearing protection!
Resident turtles at my apartment - many homes had similar turtles in their yards.